Postgraduate Programmes at a Glance
The Faculty of Dentistry offers various postgraduate programmes to both local and international communities. The programmes cover a range of dental disciplines that are delivered and conducted in different mode of study to meet the needs and interest of the candidates; i.e. coursework, clinical coursework, coursework and dissertation (mixed-mode), and research programmes. Clinical programmes are designed to train dentists to be a specialist in the field of their choice. Candidates will be expose to clinical practice through dental specialist training at the Faculty’s specialist clinic as well as clinical posting at recognised and reputable Dental Institutions locally and/or internationally. On the other hand, the scientists too have options of major dental areas for them to explore and experiment in such as Oral Cancers, Oral Implants, Dental Materials, Health Care System, Dental Pharmaceutics, Molecular Studies and many more.
Rules and Regulations
Postgraduate Handbook
Student Pass Information for International Students
Students among dental faculty collaborate to develop innovative solutions to dentistry issues. Student conferences in composition at their best involve a shared commitment involving both lectures/researchers and student.
Life on campus should be full with passion, rigour and vivacity! Our friendly campus offers everything you need to get the most from both your studies and your leisure time.
Kursus Sains Asas Perubatan merupakan Kursus Profesional yang diadakan pada setiap tahun di Fakulti Pergigian, Universiti Malaya. Penyertaan Kursus ini dibuka bukan sahaja untuk pelajar UM tetapi untuk calon luar yang berminat.
Setiap tahun Universiti Malaya akan menerima kemasukan pelajar-pelajar Ijazah Tinggi bagi sesi akademik yang baharu. Fakulti mengadakan program Haluansiswa untuk pelajar-pelajar baharu bagi memberi pendedahan awal berkaitan pembelajaran & pengajaran serta kehidupan di Fakulti.
Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman Pemeriksa Luar dari Universiti-universiti terkemuka di seluruh negara dapat memberi impak kepada Fakulti dari aspek Pengajaran & Pembelajaran.
Postgraduate Management Office,
Level 10, Postgraduate & Research Tower
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 603-79677463 (Office)
Fax: 603-79676473
Last Update: 06/09/2024